eBooks & Audiobooks

Clifton Forge Public Library overdriveEbookPage

Attention, OverDrive app users! OverDrive is discontinuing the legacy OverDrive app on February 23, 2023 and transitioning users to the Libby app. All your loans, holds, and wish list items will be waiting for you in Libby when you add your library card. 

Download Libby the new and improved reading app from OverDrive today!

We encourage you to make the switch to Libby, our newer reading app. Libby is made by the same people, with the same goal of connecting you to your library and to your favorite books, audiobooks, and magazines.

Brainfuse HelpNow – Library of Virginia

Brainfuse HelpNow - Homework Help ~ Library of Virginia

Brainfuse VetNow - VA Benefits and Community Resources ~ Library of Virginia

Connect with an expert to learn more about eligible VA benefits and community resources.


Brainfuse JobNow - Job Assistance ~ Library of Virginia

Live, anytime, anywhere job assistance, including up-to-date nation-wide and local job search engines, professional resume critique and proven interview techniques. Experience personalized career center seamlessly integrated with advanced virtual technology to help job seekers of diverse backgrounds and needs.

Find It Virginia

Online Learnig for the Alleghany Highlands of Virginia

Find It Virginia is a carefully curated selection of authoritative databases, online learning products, and digital reading content (both text and audio) for Virginians of all ages.

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eBook High School Collection


eBook Subscription Cricket Media Collection

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Universal Class – Access Over 500 Online Courses

Universal Class at Clifton Forge Va Public Library - Learn Something New!

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Crafts & Hobbies



Writing Skills


Parenting and Family

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Magzter Digital Magazines

Magzter provides a wide selection of digital magazines that can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets as well as on computers. Magazines are in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Arabic. Android and iOS users can download the Magzter Library app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store (please note you will want to use the Magzter Library app not the standard Magzter app).

Magzter can also be accessed in your browser.

In each case you will enter an email address, receive an OTP code and then select your library and enter a library card number.

Alleghany Highlands Gig Fiber Rich

Fast Internet for Business and Residential

Library Hours July 2021

Effective July 6, 2021, the Library hours will change to

Monday and Tuesday - 9:30 to 5:30

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - 9:30 to 5:00

Saturday - 9:30 to 1:00

Closed most major holidays

Clifton Forge Town Council

REMINDER: Town Council Meetings are held on every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Town Hall.
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